"Pretend and persist."
I like this. It has a nice groove to it. Listening to it at work, and noticed my head bopping and my hips shaking after a bit. Very cool.
Beware of the hips, Brother. The hips are the Id's secret conduit into the world. You could wake up under a bridge, naked, chapped. . .
I'm gonna play this lovely thing for my goldfish who is very smart. Siva
Sister, your goldfish is very smart, but smarts isn't all he's got. He's got fins.
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I like this. It has a nice groove to it. Listening to it at work, and noticed my head bopping and my hips shaking after a bit. Very cool.
Beware of the hips, Brother. The hips are the Id's secret conduit into the world. You could wake up under a bridge, naked, chapped. . .
I'm gonna play this lovely thing for my goldfish who is very smart.
Sister, your goldfish is very smart, but smarts isn't all he's got. He's got fins.
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